This award is kind of special to me. Homely Heroine honored The Dart and The Hem with this one and it made my day. My life has been a bit difficult and stressful lately and I was so elated to receive this (and for a blog that I am working very hard on with not too much success). For this I must tell 7 things about myself that you may not know and then nominate 7 other blogs.
1. I want to go to grad school and study fashion history and theory (and maybe museum practice too). FIT in NYC has a perfect program but I don't really want to live in NYC anymore. I have been thinking that maybe studying in the UK would not only be appropriate but more interesting than NYC. I am just not sure how to research programs in other countries.
2. I also would like to spend an extended amount of time in Israel, probably before going to grad school. I think if I could intern or volunteer at a museum it would be beneficial to my grad school resume but there are also really great environmental programs that I would love to do and just can't decide which I want to do.
3. I have never been away from home for more than 3 weeks. I am DYING to live somewhere else for awhile. Though I am fiercely proud of my hometown. (Check out Bertha Honore Palmer, she was proud of my hometown too and she is my heroine)
4. I hate wearing pants, most of the time. I much prefer to wear skirts and dresses. I feel more like myself in them. I also freeze in the winter so I am wearing mostly pants right now which drives me crazy. I am working on making myself winter skirts and stocking up on tights. I am in love with wool tights right now too.
5. I hate shopping. Which I think is kind of weird because I like clothes and fashion. Though most of my interest lies in good construction details which is hard to find these days at a reasonable price point and in vintage styles which can also be expensive and isn't necessarily mainstream. But my loathe for shopping extends everywhere. I don't even go to the grocery store. We have groceries delivered and then go to the Farmer's market or a small local grocer. It is all just so overwhelming and makes me question my old school-ness and I feel like I don't fit in and need to be something that I am not.
6. I am obsessed with self sufficiency. From making my own clothes (everything in my wardrobe, including underwear and socks except shoes) to growing my own food (I would love to have a kitchen garden that provides most veggies and some fruit trees and shrubs. I also want to have chickens because I eat an insane amount of eggs and I have a weird fascination with chickens. Now I think a few dairy goats would be good too) and making my own lip balm and soap and lotion and studying herbal medicine. I have actually been thinking about writing a book about urban homesteading for truly urban people. AKA you live in a tiny apartment with no personal outdoor space or very little of it so what can you do to feel and be more self sufficient? There will be no chicken keeping or outdoor composting or hooking up your bicycle to you washing machine in this book.
7. This one is for HH. I have not read all of the Aubrey Maturin series yet. BUT I have been wandering around singing "Safe and sound and home again.." under my breath for a very long time. I will read all of the PO'B repertoire within my lifetime and i will learn to sail at some point. :)
This was awarded to amy was here just for making HH smile and has no meme requirements. HH, you make me smile too!

So here are my nominees for both awards:
1. Wild Rumpus because she writes very thoughtful and honest posts that make me think, want to be a better person and make me feel less alone in my short comings.
2. Amanda Atkins in a Canary Forest because she is an amazing artist as well as a fellow vintage style and animal lover. (and the person I heard about SNM from. Sorry I just can't get over it!)
3. Vintage Red because she has placed a formidable and admirable task in front of her and goes through it with hilarious honesty. And she used to live in Chi-town.
4. Sustenancebecause she is a good friend of mine, a newbie to blogging and has really good insights and ideas.
5. My Happy Sewing Place because she got the vintage haircut I wanted! (Though I think i wanted the one that was the next step longer, the middy plus.) She also lives in Scotland and I really really want to go there right now.
6. Sweet Sassafras because she inspires me and is a most lovely and friendly person (even though I don't really know her) and she designs the most fabulous vintage inspired home sewing patterns.
7. Rockin' the Roccoco because I just have to bring attention to this project and unendingly praise her for it. I drool buckets over this.
Hope these blogs inspire you as much as they inspire me and keep checking back because i definitely have some lovely and tasty things to share with you very soon!
Amy. You will be glad to know that I think I knew about 5 of those things you probably don't know about me! Also, I am extremely humbled that you would nominate me and am very touched by it. You are wonderful and I love your blog!
Simone- What are the 2 you didn't know?
I didn't know you hated pants. I hate Pants! they never fit right and push to much on my tummy. Also I don't think I have ever heard you talk about the Aubrey Maturin series and I didn't know what it was. That was until i googled it after reading your blog :)
So glad it made you happy m'dear : D I think you have marvellous ambitions, esp the travelling and studying. I must disagree with you about the trousers though, I covet a pair of dungarees. Excellent plan for a book. I have the lyrics to 'safe and sound' on my facebook page under quotes : ) We should really do that PoB swap soon.
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